Республиканская акция «Қолдайық ауыл мектебін» в НИШ ФМН г. Астана

28 мая 2018 года проведена социальная акция «Қолдайық, ауыл мектебін!» (Поддержи сельскую школу, Let`s support rural schools), посвященной 10-летию АОО «Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы». В рамках данного мероприятия учащиеся и учителя Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы физико-математического направления г. Астана провели день в Казгородской средней школе поселка Казгородок Енбекшильдерского района Акмолинской области. В этот день состоялся методический десант [...]

Moonlight in the tune of Saryarka in Beijing Palace

The students of Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of Astana, who study Chinese as a second language, received an invitation to Beijing Palace. The Embassy of the People's Republic of China held a special reception in honor of the Children's Day in the Republic of Kazakhstan. - On the feast day, we are especially [...]

Move forward to a bright future!

A solemn line "Move forward to a bright future!” dedicated to the end of 2017-2018 academic year was held on 25, May, 2018 in the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Astana. This year the Last Bell Festival was dedicated to the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools and [...]

A graduate of Astana NIS PhM won a gold medal in the prestigious iGEM-2017 competition

A graduate of Astana NIS PhM (currently a student of Nazarbayev University) won a gold medal in the prestigious iGEM-2017 competition (competition in synthetic biology) From 9th to 13th of November there was an international IGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competition, which took place in the USA, in Boston, where teams from all over the [...]

Anel- the awardee at the Creative Youth International Festival “Shabyt”

Alibai Anel Berikovna, a teacher of Art at Nazarbayev Intellectual school of Physics and Mathematics in Astana, was awarded as the winner at XX Creative International festival for Youth “Shabyt”, which took place in Astana (3-7 November, 2017). More than 500 young talented people from a wide range of regions in Kazakhstan and other countries: [...]

Khan Academy: education is shifting to best practices

Khan Academy (Khan Academy) is a non-profit organization that seeks to change education for a better side and provides a high-quality education free of charge via Internet. On October 10, 2017, the representatives of Aga Khan Academy - Academic Director Dr. Graham Ranger and Director of the Academy Mr. Salim Bhatia visited Nazarbayev Intellectual school [...]

Tour de NIS Nur-Sultan “Nur-Sultan is a cycling city” Eco-festival

The first Sunday morning of October met the participants of the cycling festival with cold windy weather. Teachers, pupils and parents of the Intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Astana came to the start of the eco-festival by supporting cycling in the capital and drawing the city's attention to the ecological movement. The cycling [...]

Swordplay is an intellectual type of sport

Swordplay or fencing is one of the three most intellectual types of sports: it develops thinking and logic. A fencer has to take the only true decision in a split second, thus swordplay competitions are rightfully regarded as "fast chess". Andrei Vladimirovich Churbakov runs the section of fencing within seven years at Nazarbayev Intellectual school [...]

International School of Hannover (Germany) representatives visited our school

Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Astana is currently broadcasting its experience by inviting foreign students and teachers from international partner schools. Starting from September, 10 up to September 15, the school hosted two students and one teacher from the Hannover International School: a 14- year- old 10th grade student Pierre Justus Versen, [...]

Meeting with the Nobel Prize laureate

2017 жылдың 4 қыркүйегінде «Планетамызды қорғайық» халықаралық қозғалысының көшбасшысы, доктор Радженда Пачаури Астана қаласы физика-математика бағытындағы Назарбаев Зияткерлік мектебінде кездесу өткізді. Кездесуге 11-12 сынып оқушылары, шетелдік ұстаздар мен STEM  мұғалімдері қатысты. Біріккен Ұлттар Ұйымында  ауа-райындағы  ғаламдық өзгерістер бойынша топқа жетекшілік ететін Нобель сыйлығының лауреаты, доктор Раджендра Кумар Пачауридің Зияткерлік мектепке бұл екінші рет келуі.  Маусым [...]