Harry Potter at Magic Intellectual School

On February 5, 2020, a theatrical performance in English “Harry Potter at MIS” was held in English with the participation of 7th graders.

Events happen in the Magic School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – Magic Intellectual School in Astana, where children with magical abilities are admitted. The students’ life of this school is full of interesting and amazing events: they attend classes, make friends, and sing and dance as well. The young wizard Harry Potter throws himself into school life.

Viewers were able to learn more about the magical disciplines, about the way Hogwarts students are divided into departments. The scenes associated with the idea of ​​Shanyraks and the search for a secret room, where young wizards find the values ​​of the Magic School, caused a complete delight among the audience.

The main idea of ​​the performance is to create a magical atmosphere of the holiday through the struggle of Good and Evil, the education of the values ​​of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. The idea has been realized.

Preparation for the performance helped students practice speaking and listening skills in English, reveal their creative potential – the development of imagination, imagination, attention, concentration and memory. Seventh graders showed themselves as the true artists.