The Nauryz meetings of 2023 “Biomedicine, Engineering and Technology” were solemnly opened at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Astana.
The Minister of Education Gani Beisembayev called the Nauryz meetings of NIS the first step towards big science.
– The historical significance of the initiative of Kulyash Nogataevna Shamshidinova to create the Nauryz meetings is that a unique platform for young scientists has appeared in the country. I am sure that in a few years we will hear the names of today’s participants among the authors of world discoveries and Nobel laureates, Gani Beisembayev admitted.
XII Nauryz meetings “Biomedicine, Engineering and Technology” brought together more than a hundred young scientists from NIS and more than 50 students from pivotal rural schools from all regions of the country.
The mission of the Nauryz meetings is to arouse the interest of schoolchildren in science and acquaint them with the main world trends, – emphasized Kulyash Shamshidinova, a well-known statesman, holder of the badge “Honorary Teacher of Kazakhstan”.
Anuar Zhangozin, Chairman of the Board of AEO Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, noted the relevance of biomedicine and the introduction of artificial intelligence in healthcare as the main topic of the Nauryz Meetings, and the desire of young scientists to work in one of the most sought-after areas of global science.
“We believe that today’s participants in this amazing event will come to our university tomorrow as students and will promote not only Kazakhstani, but also world science,” Massimo Pignatelli, vice president for medicine, dean of the Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, expressed hope.